Hi there, I’m Shawna

I’m a technology coach, consultant, and leader with over 15 years of experience, both in the public and private sector. I have a depth of knowledge in user research, design, accessibility, and code.
I’ve worked with large companies including Google, Intuit, and Meta, government agencies including VA, CMS, and the United Nations, and civic agencies and nonprofits including Ad Hoc & Code for America.
I was most recently VP of Experience for Code for America.
My focus areas include:
I partner with leaders, managers, and high-level ICs to help focus their energy, navigate tough moments, and build vibrant, quality teams.
I help organizations with internal ops, growth, teaming, and ensuring iterative delivery approaches that lead to the best customer experience.
Talks & writing
I speak and write on organizational and management topics around communication, building teams, iterative delivery, and managing remotely.

Other skills I’m proud of
- Starting with small wins and discovery sprints to build momentum
- Creating compelling stories that answer the questions stakeholders really have
- Organizing initiatives into Now/Next/Later and helping folks prioritize their work
- Recalling and finding old slack posts incredibly quickly
- Working as a lab assistant to my neurospicy 10 year-old son
Note: The design of this page may not be as “flashy” as you’d expect from a design leader because I like to prioritize readability, accessibility, and simplicity, to allow you to focus on the content. I hope it helps!